Malawi has been a major focus for FMI in recent years.  David traveled there to conduct leadership training for 200 church leaders in 2017, and God opened some amazing doors!  Since then we have seen:

  • 200 churches planted
  • 3 water wells drilled
  • 4 chicken coops built
  • Farming God’s Way implemented
  • 5 Bible schools founded
  • Over 1,000 children fed daily for over 1 year while working to help them be sustainable

We are partnering with six villages and still need to drill three more water wells and build two more chicken coops.  Then we hope to return and strengthen the Bible schools they have started.





DiLi Foundation – INDIA

FMI is involved in giving wider visibility to DiLi Foundation. Their project is to cultivate an integral solution to families and communities by offering education, medical assistance, tools, and training to help them break the cycle of poverty.

More than anything, they give them hope.





David led a team to South Africa and Lesotho in 2018 where we partnered with Touch Me Lord Ministries.  We surveyed the work they were doing and have partnered in:

  • Feeding hundreds of children (many orphans) multiple times a week
  • 1 mission trip conducted to visit the feeding centers
  • 1 house bought to give a base of operations and allow for sustainable income from renting out rooms
  • Prime Minister of Lesotho has reached out to thank us and request further partnership

In an effort to help them become self-sustaining, we bought them a house in Wepener that they are using to rent out the rooms and generate income for the ministry.  We are continuing to partner with them, especially as we dream about a vision for Lesotho for 2030, as the Prime Minister reached out to us to thank us for our work there and ask us to do more in the north of the country (our work has mostly been in the south).



MYANMAR (formerly Burma)

Myanmar has been a major focus for FMI over the years with a ton of activity, including:

  • 5 Annual Pastor Training events with national Baptist convention
  • 3 Trips by David to conduct additional training and Bible teaching events across the nation (2 with Pum Za, our national partner)
  • Trip by Pum Za to minister in Myanmar and in Burmese refugee camps in Thailand
  • Built a hydroelectric generator
  • Built a teacher residency
  • Built a town hall
  • Equipment and supplies provided to a medical clinic
  • David and Pum Za have ministered to Burmese in Malaysia
  • David has ministered to Burmese in Thailand
  • 2 trips to Romania by Pum Za to minister to Burmese refugees there
  • Money has been donated and earmarked for David and Pum Za to make another visit in the near future




Additionally, we have been or are engaged in work in the following countries:


INDIA: Leadership training in Mumbai, New Delhi, and Chennai, and providing 350 students were provided with school supplies through local churches in Hindu areas

SWAZILAND/ESWATINI: seminary student training, orphanage ministry, even preached on national television. Absalom Dlamini hosted our mission trip here, and in addition to being a pastor, he has also served in parliament, the cabinet, and as an advisor to the king.  He was a fantastic coordinator for our team, and you can watch a video here.


NEPAL: Leadership training, building churches, orphanage support

ZIMBABWE: Spiritual Leadership Conference (SLC), spiritual leadership training for city council in the capital (Harare)

COLOMBIA: 2 Boats provided to indigenous missionaries in the jungle to continue Sophie Muller’s work


FIJI: Church Leadership training conducted for churches along the coral coast that has spurred ongoing cooperation among tribes, student outreach in the capital

UGANDA: Spiritual Leadership Conference (SLC) for church leaders in the Lira area as well as one in the Fort Portal area, Bible distribution

TANZANIA: Two separate Spiritual Leadership Conferences (SLC) held in Morogoro, Bible distribution, ongoing training around the country by our local coordinator


RWANDA: Spiritual Leadership Conference (SLC) for church leaders in the Kigali area, Bible distribution

KENYA: Spiritual Leadership Conference (SLC) for church leaders in the Kisumu area, Bible distribution, support for local orphanage to be self-sustaining

POLAND: teaching at local university to raise awareness of local evangelical church (nation is Catholic)


ALBANIA: David was a guest teacher at a Bible school in Erseka

AFRICA: David provides weekly teaching on leadership online to a group of key leaders from ca. 15 nations across Africa.  This developed during COVID, and we are seeing how God is using technology to help us reach far more people than ever before, so while we thought not being able to travel would hamper our ministry, it has actually opened up new opportunities!