The Kingdom Impact of International Churches

FMI strives to “stimulate organic growth” in all sorts of churches and ministries around the world. One of the unique areas of ministry we work in is international churches. These are churches found around the world, made up of people from many different nationalities, primarily from countries other than the one where the church is located – they are truly a picture of what heaven will look like!

Some estimates calculate that 1 in 7 people today no longer live in their country of citizenship, and I am one of those people, as are many of our supporters. International churches have their own unique strengths, needs, and opportunities. I have the pleasure of contributing to this area of God’s Kingdom through pastoring an international church, serving on the leadership teams of both the International Baptist Convention and the Missional International Church Network, and consulting and mentoring other international church leaders and pastors as the Lord allows.

This summer I had the incredible opportunity to speak at Green Acres Baptist Church (GABC), a megachurch in Tyler, Texas. I want to share with you this 9.5 minute video of my presentation at G A B C about the incredible ministry of international churches. I hope this inspires you and gives you greater insight into the importance of supporting international church work and why it is such a critical mission opportunity (plus you’ll see some stunning pictures of Norway!):

Thank you so much for your continued prayers and financial support. Most of FMI’s work focuses on training leaders and “stimulating organic growth” in indigenous ministries and churches around the world, but our work with international churches has a global impact all its own!

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